


More than 1900 beds


5 hospital sites :
Poitiers-Milétrie, Châtellerault, Loudun, Lusignan and Montmorillon


Poitiers University Hospital, a local healthcare provider

Poitiers University Hospital provides the necessary local healthcare for the inhabitants of Poitiers, Châtellerault, Loudun, Lusignan and Montmorillon, and for their agglomerations.

A complete chain of care is provided in medicine, surgery and obstetrics in the department of La Vienne.


Poitiers University hospital, a regional healthcare provider and center of expertise

Poitiers University Hospital also has a more widespread regional mission benefiting the 436 000 inhabitants of the Vienne department and a regional population of 1.8 million in Poitou Charentes particularly in cardiology, oncology, geriatrics, neurosurgery, pediatrics, medical biology and medical imaging.

Interregional projects are also in place concerning these main activities in partnership with other University Hospitals in the “great west” region of France.

The 2019-2023 institutional project highlights the hospital’s committal to excellence through the existence of clinical centres with the potential to respond to public health issues, therapeutic innovation, fundamental and clinical research.

Public and private partnership

Poitiers University Hospital is a public healthcare facility opened towards the city. Since 2015, it collaborates with city doctors, especially liberal radiologists, through an Economic Interest Grouping within the cancerology pole.

This pole benefits from a 64 barette scanner and from a 1,5 Tesla MRI scan, inside a technical platform that also has a radiation simulation scanner and two PET scanners (GIE Position Poitou-Charentes).

With this fast and safe treatment offer, Poitiers University Hospital answers a proximity mission, regional referral mission and a mission of research and healthcare.

Key dates


Janvier : fusion du CHU de Poitiers et du groupe hospitalier Nord-Vienne (GHNV), formant ainsi un établissement public de santé unique sur le département de la Vienne pour l’offre de soins en médecine-chirurgie-obstétrique


Janvier : 1er forum de l’emploi paramédical

Février : inauguration du centre de formation des assistants de régulation médicale (CFARM)

Septembre : inauguration du centre médico-chirurgical du site de Montmorillon

Novembre : mise en service de la seconde salle bi-plan

Décembre : annonce par le directeur général de l’ARS Nouvelle-Aquitaine de la sélection du département de la Vienne pour l’expérimentation du dispositif du service d’accès aux soins (SAS)

December : acquisition of a chemotherapy treatment preparation robot.

Acquisition of two new PET scanners.

August : opening of the medical regulation assistants training center (CFARM).

November : acquisition of the first 7 Tesla MRI scanner in France for clinical use, in addition to medical research.

January : opening of three of the four 1st floor wings inside Jean-Bernard building. A day hospital, a consultation platform, and an allergology center were moved there.

November : opening of the “Villa Santé”, first public health house in France, on the Milétrie site.

Opening of the interventional explorations and therapeutics center. Hepato-Gastro-Enterology, Pulmonology, Ophtalmology, Dermatology, Urology and Gynecology, among others, moved to Jean-Bernard ground floor, on the Milétrie site.

March : Cancerology regional pole acquired a news radiotherapy equipment, the Cyberknife.

January : the Cardiovascular regional center was inaugurated by the President of the Republic François Hollande and the health minister Marisol Touraine.
October : opening of the new “Maison des familles” on the Milétrie site.
November : opening of a new pharmacy, on the Milétrie site.
December : 3 Tesla MRI scanner was put into use.

Opening of a deaf care unit.

May : transfer of Geriatric medical activity to the Milétrie site.

January : inauguration of the first latest generation of  “integrated operating room”.

Outpatient surgery capacity doubled, from 15 to 30 beds.



The committee of biomedical research in public health was established in 2005 and is composed of the University Hospital, the faculty of medicine and pharmacy of Poitiers University and a member of the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) who define the priorities in the development of research.


INSERM approved research units on the 1st of January 2012

Unit 1082 'ischemia-reperfusion in organ transplantation - therapeutic mechanisms and innovations' - 'IRTOMIT'

Led by professor Thierry Hauet and researching an extremely important matter in transplantation as ischemia reperfusion and organ preservation are major elements of the process. The IRTOMIT project responds to a major public health issue concerning the role of conserving organs prior to their transplantation and the long term outcome. This research unit has been closely linked to a recognized experimental surgery centre (IBISA labeled infrastructure of health, biology and agronomy)since January 2009. This platform is located on the site of the INRA of Magneraud in Surgères (Charente-Maritime).

The IRTOMIT unit is also spearheading a university and hospital federation (FHU) SUPORT (organ transplant survival optimization) in partnership with Tours and Limoges University Hospitals which allows several clinical and inserm labeled units to pool their resources and obtain international visibility.

'PHAR' The pharmacologic unit of anti infectives

Led by Professor William Couet (Unit 1070) The team concentrates on pharmacology of antibiotics and the study of their pharmacokinetic – pharmacodynamic relationships through experimental models and in clinical trials.

'LNEC' The laboratory of experimental and clinical neuroscience

Led by Professor Mohamed jaber (Unit 1084) The team concentrates on age related diseases (Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s) with the aim of understanding the origin of these diseases and offering new therapeutic approaches. They also study behavioural disorders related to addictions such as drugs and gambling.

The clinical investigation centre

Led by Professor François Guilhot the clinical investigation centre is a wide reaching unit promoting INSERM labeled clinical research. It provides industrial and institutional investigators with the necessary means and tools to carry out their research in the safest conditions possible for the patient and for achieving high quality of results. The unit is closely linked with other onsite INSERM units to increase sharing of information and promotion of research.


Poitiers University Hospital is a pivotal centre of several territories. The latter are complementary and each of them represents an area of cooperation. All of these actions are essential to creating a multi territorial web of healthcare and establishing the CHU as both a local and regional centre of reference.


Territorial and regional cooperation
Poitiers University Hospital cooperation within its population pool is one of its priorities. Healthcare facilities are encouraged to strengthen their cooperations, at a departmental level as well as at a regional level, as a declination of the hospital care organisation regional pattern (SROS). Poitiers University Hospital follows this approach by creating a territory medical project, through cooperation conventions to ensure access to quality healthcare throughout the territory. This project concerns, among others, medical cooperations in perinatality, surgery, emergency services and cardiology. The fusion between Poitiers University Hospital and Lusignan Center on the 1st of Januray 2013 confirmed this dynamics, as well as the fusion with Montmorillon Hospital on the 1st of January 2016.

Poitiers University Hospital is the regional referral facility for all public hospitals in Poitou-Charentes. This referral activity concerns specialised activities that have a regional dimension such as pediatric intensive care, neurosurgery, cardiac surgery, stroke unit, severe adult obesity unit and polytraumatic adult care. Regional chains are developed to reinforce access to referral activites.

The Law on the Modernisation of healthcare system plans a new cooperation way, the “groupements hospitaliers de territoires (GHT)”. Their purpose is to guarantee a better access to healthcare for all patients by reinforcing cooperation between public hospitals and medico-welfare establishments on a medical project that helps organize patient care on Vienne territory, while answering population healthcare needs.

Since the 1st of July 2016, strengths and skills of the sanitary sector and the medico-welfare sector have been working together through a “GHT” composed of Poitiers University Hospital (member and named support establishment), hospital group Nord-Vienne (GHNV) (member), EHPAD Les Capucines, Théodore Arnault, Les Châtaigniers, La Brunetterie (associated facilities), and  post-op and rehabilitation center La Colline ensoleillée (partner facility).

The purpose is to allow a territorial network which gives meaning and increased legibility to a full coordinated  and transversal care for patients within the department.

Interregional cooperation

Poitiers University Hospital carries cooperation actions in partnership with University Hospitals of the Western region of France (HUGO) in research and education.  Medical cooperation axes are also recommended and executed for some specialties, such as neuroradiology and organ transplantation, as part of the health organization interregional pattern (2008-2013). These cooperations concern the regional and university hospitals of Angers, Brest, Nantes, Orléans, Rennes et Tours. Poitiers University Hospital also reinforced its connections with Tours University Hospital,  notably through the Inter-hospital Medical Federation of liver’s diseases, bile ducts and liver transplant.

International cooperation

Poitiers University Hospital’s international cooperation axes are notably about : health professionals exchanges, reception of foreign students from St Georges and Getaoui Beirut hospitals and Balamand University (Lebanon), exchanges as a part of the Orion network that develops cooperations between European and Latin American hospitals and universities (Santiago university in Chile, Rio Gallego hospital in Argentina, Grenada university in Spain) ; une coopération de longue date avec trois hôpitaux chinois à Nanchang, Jiujiang et Shanghai, notamment pour l’accueil de stagiaires et la participation à des séminaires de formation conjoints, des échanges avec l’hôpital régional de Moundou (Tchad), en lien avec l’Agence française de développement, la fédération hospitalière de France, la municipalité de Poitiers et des associations poitevines, la formation de médecins en neurochirurgie dans différents hôpitaux vietnamiens, notamment l’Hôpital 115 à Ho Chi Minh.


Le centre hospitalier universitaire est un acteur de santé publique à trois niveaux.


Éducation du patient


Consultations médicales anti-tabac


Consultations paramédicales pour les patients diabétiques et asthmatiques


Actions d'éducation pour la santé


Consultations pluridisciplinaires pour la prévention des chutes


Depuis 1993, le CHU de Poitiers organise et anime un "pôle info-santé", point de rencontre avec les professionnels de santé ouvert au public, en partenariat avec l'Espace Mendès-France, centre de culture scientifique de Poitiers. Chaque année, un millier de personnes assistent à ces soirées-débats.


Villa Santé

En novembre 2018, le CHU de Poitiers a inauguré sa Villa Santé, structure dédiée à la promotion de la santé regroupant en un lieu identifié les actions en santé publique du CHU.



Répondre aux besoins de santé de la population et faire face à la croissance des maladies chroniques



Réduire les inégalités en santé en créant un nouveau mode d'organisation et d'intervention



Produire des données probantes et affermir la recherche dans le domaine de la promotion de la santé



Valoriser les actions en santé publique menées au CHU en les regroupant en un lieu identifié



Le CHU participe à des réseaux sanitaires et sociaux tels que le réseau gérontologique ville-hôpital ainsi qu'à des actions de lutte contre l'exclusion sociale.

Il propose également un réseau d'aide aux insuffisants cardiaques (Apic).



Depuis 1998, le CHU a mis en place un dispositif de prise en charge médico-sociale des personnes en situation de précarité et d'exclusion : la permanence d'accès aux soins de santé (PASS).

Initiative de l'association Médecins du monde, cette structure fonctionne grâce à ses partenaires réunis par convention : le CCAS, le CHU, le CHL et l'association Toit du monde. A ces organismes s'ajoutent le centre social M3Q et Médecins du monde.

Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur la page dédiée.



Le Centre hospitalier universitaire de Poitiers mène depuis plusieurs années une politique culturelle multiforme :


  • Création d’œuvres sculpturales comme "L'onde d'un galet dans l'eau" de Patrick Chappet, exposée dans les locaux des services d'urgence ; ou "Différenciel" de Franck et Olivier Turpin, installée dans l'atrium du pôle régional de cancérologie ; ou "Giotto" de Marine Antony, installé dans le hall du centre cardio-vasculaire ;
  • Intégration de l'art roman dans les lieux de visite et de consultation de l'établissement ;
  • Organisation d'expositions artistiques, concours et expositions photographiques ;
  • Présence d'une bibliothèque hospitalière animée par une association ;
  • Organisation de spectacles et d'animations au profit des enfants hospitalisés (ludothèque, espace adolescents) avec le soutien de l'association Un Hôpital pour les enfants, ainsi qu'auprès des personnes âgées avec l'intervention d'animateurs professionnels ;
  • Organisation d'événementiels, telle que la Fête de la musique chaque année.